Bendix Spotlight - Jennifer Berkowitz

Jennifer Berkowitz, suite 542, a new addition to the Bendix Building, took some time to answer a few questions about her pieces and being an artist.

What are some of the more memorable pieces you’ve made?

“The last piece I’ve made is always the most memorable. Lately, I’ve been tearing up a lot of my older paintings and weaving several back together. Fragmenting imagery and traversing time periods make life, my life, new. I wish I hadn’t sold my life-sized painting of a crucified woman – self-portraits are hard to part with. I’ve also been working with images of myself in movement, wrapped in a white sheath. Both the experience of writhing in the sheath, and the images that have come from it, are worth the claustrophobia.”    


What brought you to Bendix and what do you like about it?

“Everything! I wanted to be in the mix of artists and galleries in DTLA, and I wanted easy access to the neighborhood’s fabric, food, and explosive humanity. I’m thrilled to be buzzing in the hive.”


What does the future hold for you?

“My painting process is expanding into textiles, sewing, abstraction, and sculptural materials. Other than that, I have no idea, and I like it that way.”


Any parting words?

“Making art is a lifeline into a deeper plane of existence and perception. It’s rough, and a gift, and, like most important things, worth it.” 


Here’s a spotlight on Jennifer recently done by Art & Cake LA

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Bendix - The 36th Parallel - Closing Saturday


June Market Recap